Christian Education
At New Hope we believe that our faith can be continually nourished and renewed by the study and reflection of scripture, no matter what our age.
Youth EducationChildren and Youth Sunday School
Children aged 3 through high school gather Sunday mornings during the school year to learn about God, the Bible and faith. Some special activities throughout the year include the Christmas pageant and age-appropriate service projects. Confirmation Classes Confirmation is a two-year program of study, traditionally for students in 7th and 8th grade. Year one is Bible study and year two focuses on the Small Catechism and Lutheranism. The program is supported by a host of adults, including numerous parents who prepare meals, schedule acolytes, and plan service projects. Part of our confirmation program includes attending the synod's FreeRide Retreat in October. If you have a youth who is interested in participating in our confirmation program, please contact Pastor Ginny Price. Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School for pre-school and elementary age children is usually held for one week in the summer. During the week, children and volunteers play and learn together working to make this a very successful ministry. Vacation Bible School 2023 will held during July 17-21 from 9 AM to 12 noon. Beth DiMaria will serve once again as the program director. Send an e-mail to Beth at [email protected] if you have questions! |
Adult EducationAdult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School provides an opportunity to explore the Bible and faith-related topics in depth. Sessions are on Sunday morning at 10 AM throughout the year. Topics have included the story of The Creation in the Bible and other ancient cultures, a review of other Protestant faiths, Christmas and Easter-related topics, and general scripture study. Each month on the last Sunday of the month we discuss a movie. Small Group Bible Study Small groups meet regularly in the church and in homes and online to study scripture and share fellowship. These include a Wednesday afternoon (1:30 PM - 3 PM) Bible Study during 2022 via Zoom call. |