Worship with interactive chat. A recorded service is available on Sundays after 12 Noon without the chat option.
Our Worship Schedule:Weekly worship on Advent Sundays at 10 AM
(in-person) with live-streaming. December 15 - "Blue Christmas" at 7 PM December 22 - Christmas Concert at 7 PM Christmas Eve Worship 3:00pm –4:00pm Service (Family focus) 7:30pm –8:30pm Service (Candlelight) December 25 - "Christmas Morning Brunch" at 10 AM (with guests from the Grassroots Daycenter) Sundays at 10:00am - Streaming Worship Service available on our YouTube Channel. Previous recorded services on our YouTube Channel are also available for your convenience. Church Office HoursThe Parish Administrator works in the office from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday; she works off-site on Wednesdays.
Pastor Ginny Price uses the office by appointment, and can be reached via email. Pastor Price's "day off" is on Thursday." |
The Cold Weather Shelter (CWS) needs help from volunteers: Dec. 2 - Dec. 9.
Please use this link to order RED Poinsettias and write your dedication:
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0C44AFA82AA57-53030078-christmas#/ |